The characters of the Castle: Bernie O’Brien
Meet Bernie O’Brien who has worked at the castle for 26 years.
02 Dec 2021
Meet Bernie O’Brien who has worked at the castle for 26 years.
02 Dec 2021
What is your role at Ashford Castle?
Accommodation Supervisor.
What was your background before you worked at Ashford Castle?
I previously worked in the catering department at St Vincent's Hospital. Later, I had my four children - once they were of school age, I began working at Ashford Castle.
What was your first experience of Ashford Castle?
I was astounded by what a luxurious Castle it truly was! I wasn't sure if I would fit in but I did!
What were your thoughts when you saw the Castle for the first time after the restoration?
It was out of this world! I was delighted that the repair work that the Castle needed was done and done so lovingly.
Tell me something about Ashford that people might not know.
There are many family members working together in the castle, some with many years of service which in this day and age is unique.
What makes Ashford so special?
It is like a large family, with lovely guests and caring team members.
What does a typical day at Ashford look like for you?
Every day is different – you can be starting early one day and a late shift the next day – every day is a school day in the sense that I learn something new! I do varied shifts, working with the accommodation team to ensure the cleanliness of the hotel and to meet guests requirements and expectations.
What is your favourite part of your role?
Satisfying guest needs, meeting new people and working with wonderful colleagues.
What do you do to relax when you are not working?
I love to be outdoors and to get some steps in. I also like to watch the GAA and from time to time do a spot of window shopping.
What three words would you use to describe Ashford?
Amazing, unique and unforgettable.
What is the proudest achievement of your time at Ashford Castle?
When the Tollman family took over and we got to meet them in person, they are amazing owners and lovely people.